NewsTalk CJAD 800 - CJAD - AM 800 - Montreal, QC

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CJAD 800 is a broadcast Radio station from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, providing the most frequent news updates, traffic reports every 15 minutes and comprehensive weather. ... See more ------ Shows: Ann Shatilla's Hollywood Trend Report, The Adventure Show, Sunday House Call, Holder Tonight, Andrew Carter Show, Boomersview, CJAD Car Show, CJAD Encore, CJAD Trivia Show, Dave's World, Father John Walsh Show, Finnigan Quiz Show, First Glance, Home Improvement, Kevin and Trudie, Kim Fraser Show, Last Call, Laurie & Olga Show, Laxer LIVE, Legal Lounge, Mose Persico Show, Passion, RELAX!!! Stress-Free Radio, Ric Peterson Show, Showtime, Solid Gold Saturday's, Solid Gold Sunday Nights, The Christopher Robinson Travel Show, The CJAD Comedy Show, The Dr. Joe Schwarcz Show, Tommy Schnurmacher Show ----- Hosts: Ann Shatilla, Mike Falcon, Barry Dworkin, Andrew Carter, Lisa Christensen, Dave Fisher, Dan Laxer, Father John Walsh, Merv Williams, Jon Eakes, Kim Fraser, Christopher Dimakos, Mose Persico, Dr. Laurie Betito, Ric Peterson, Sharman Yarnell, Mike Babins, Al Gravelle, Frank Stevens, Jake Lawrence, Chris Robinson, Ernie Butler, Dr. Joe Schwarcz, Tommy Schnurmacher

Montreal · Quebec, Canada · English

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514 989 2523

1717 boulevard René-Lévesque Est, Montréal, QC H2L 4T9 Canada

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