WQED-FM 89.3 - WQED-FM - FM 89.3 - Pittsburgh, PA

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WQED_FM 89.3 is committed to providing classical music and the other fine arts programming to entertain, inform and enrich the Western Pennsylvania region. The only ... See more classical radio station in the Pittsburgh area, WQED-FM is a lively advocate for the arts both locally and nationally. ------ Shows: A Prairie Home Companion, From the Top, Harmonia, Classical 24 with Alison Young, Classical 24 with Bob Christiansen, Classical 24 with Gillian Martin, Classical 24 with Scott Blankenship, Classical 24 with Ward Jacobson, Pipe Dreams, Metropolitan Opera, Sunday Baroque, Pittsburgh Symphony, Saint Paul Sunday, Exploring Music, Anna Singer, Jim Sweenie, Lynn Warfel, Performance in Pittsburgh, Saturday Night Requests, Ted Sohier, The QED Morning Show, World Class Grand Opera and Great Orchestras ----- Hosts: Christopher O'riley, Ji Yong Kim, Des Moines, Bob Christiansen, Gillian Martin, Scott Blankenship, Ward Jacobson, Michael Barone, Manfred Honeck, Simone Schneider, Betsy Burleigh, Bill Mcglaughlin, Jim Sweeney, Lynn Warfel, Eric Owens, Ted Sohier, Jim Cunningham

Pittsburgh · Pennsylvania, United States · English

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