Rádio Arari FM - FM 90.3 - Araripina

O Melhor Som, na Melhor Radio!!!!

30 tune ins FM 90.3 - 1Kbps

Founded on September 30, 1990, in order to better inform the FM RADIO arari comes over these 23 years making history in the Araripe region ... See more and especially in the City of Araripina. FM arari has an eclectic programming that meets the requirements of Class A, B, C, D and E, highlighting their music, prioritizing our land.

Araripina · Pernambuco, Brazil · Portuguese

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+55 87 3873 1908 | +55 87 3873 1187

Rua José Alencar Gualter # 26 Araripina, Pernambuco, Brazil

tocaai@ararifm.com.br | comercial@ararifm.com.br

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