CHUO 89.1 FM - CHUO-FM - FM 89.1 - Ottawa, ON

Musique. Information. Communauté

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For 20 YEARS CHUO has been playing nothing but the best in indie-rock, folk, funk, reggae, hip hop, jazz, blues, country, rock, classical, ska, punk, ... See more soul, Motown and more. CHUO offer a new, refreshing flavour of music from local, independent, underground and emerging artists to tickle every one of your musical taste buds. CHUO plays tunes that you probably won’t know the words to… they feature artists you’ve probably never heard of… they make listening to radio cool like how it used to be.

Ottawa · Ontario, Canada · Multilingual

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+1 613 562 5965

Suite 0038, 65 University Private Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 9A5

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