CIRO-FM - FM 106.5 - Osoyoos, BC

Cada's Warmest Welcome

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On June 14/2007 at 12:19 pm, Greg Corbett from Industry Cada uttered the words "CIRO is clear to broadcast" and CIRO (Community Information Radio Osoyoos) ... See more was born.Located in the British Columbia Visitor Centre, CIRO is dedicated to serving the community and its visitors. CIRO provides pre-recorded tourism and community events information, as well as providing a facility for emergency radio broadcasts. Our programming is all about keeping you up to date with the events, announcements, and information you need while you're in town. Check out our Special Events Calendar - updated weekly in the summer months. And join us on Cada's birthday, July 1st - for the spectacular fireworks show on the beach at Gyro Park. Every year, CIRO provides a simulcast of the music so that wherever you're watching from, the show is complete. It's been called the best fireworks show in Western Cada.

Osoyoos · British Columbia, Canada · English

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