Channel 93.3 - KHTS-FM - FM 93.3 - El Cajon, CA

all hits channel 93.3

Channel 933 San Diego's HIT Music Station Contemporary Hit Music. Listen to Club SL, Hitman Haze, or broadcasts such as Sianie, in addition to others. ... See more ------ Shows: Cabana Boy Geoff, Club SL, Hitman Haze, Nardo, Sianie ----- Hosts: Hitman Haze

FM 93.3 - 1Kbps

El Cajon - California, United States - English

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Channel 933 Studio: 570-1933 (from any San Diego area code)Main Office Line: (858) 292-2000Directions Line: (858) 715-3199

Channel 933 is located at:9660 Granite Ridge DriveSuite 100San Diego, CA 92123

Cabana Boy Geoff Hitman Haze

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