B-107.3 - KBBK - FM 107.3 - Lincoln, NE

The 80's, 90's AND TODAY

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On-Air Gina Sherwood Klein Gina has been waking up Lincoln for over 6 years, having joined the B107.3 morning show on February 10, 2003 after ... See more er auditioning on the air during the morning show. The fact that she had no prior radio experience did not stop Gina from making a career and life changing move to radio, and she loves it! She is a graduate of The University Of Nebraska, and has been a Lincoln resident all her life with the exception of the three years after college graduation.(The mystery years!) Email Gina at gina@broadcasthouse.com. Family: Married to firefighter, Rick, who coordinates the Urban Search & Rescue Team through Lincoln Fire & Rescue. Gina has two step-children, Eric and Kim and a step-grandson. Hobbies/Interests: Family, friends, cooking, traveling, shopping, watching cheesy TV shows and reading fun gossip magazines. Favorite TV Show(s): Friends, Frazier, Will and Grace (all gondo now) Oprah, American Idol, Desperate Housewives, Dancing with the Stars and Grey's Anatomy. Favorite Movie(s): Forrest Gump, My Best Friend's Wedding, Pretty Woman, Lethal Weapon(all of them). Favorite Book: Anything by John Grisham Favorite Sports Team: Of course, The Nebraska Cornhuskers!!!!!!!! Favorite Band(s): Fleetwood Mac, Phil Collins, Bette Midler, Barry Manilow, Lionel Richie, Reba McIntyre, Rob Thomas, and Sheryl Crow. Favorite Concert: Lionel Richie. While attending college my sorority sisters and I waited in line all night long to get tickets. I was in the third row and I KNOW Lionel was singing just to me! It was a great experience. Favorite Radio Moment: The day the morning show gave away a case of live crabs. Actual seafood live crabs with claws, to promote the opening of the movie Finding Nemo. I have never laughed so hard on the air. I think for a moment I may have stopped breathing. We tried to be so serious and composed, but the discussion just got silly, then eventually out of control. Listeners called saying they had to pull their cars over on the way to work because they were laughing so hard. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE ON THE B MORNING SHOW PAGE Joe Skare Joe has been waking up listeners in Lincoln for over 20 years! He started at legendary rock station KFMQ (Q102) in 1985, and did the morning show for nearly six years. After a year and a half at KATT in Oklahoma City, Joe returned to Lincoln to do the morning show at The Eagle where he stayed for 13 years. In September of 2005, Joe brought his talents to B107.3 to team up with Gina on The Gina & Joe Morning Show. Joe is a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota and loves anything to do with the Vikings and Twins! Email Joe at joe@broadcasthouse.com. Family: Wife, 2 kids Hobbies/Interests: Golf, swimming, hiking, camping, softball, travel, playing the drums, learning to play guitar, playing with my family Favorite TV Show(s): West Wing, LOST, Survivor, Seinfeld, Friends, The Flintstones, Gilligan's Island Favorite Movie(s): Dances With Wolves, Caddyshack Favorite Book: The DaVinci Code, Iron Lake, St. Mudd, WLT, just about anything from Robert Ludlum. Favorite Place: Yellowstone National Park, Grand Canyon, any golf course, any Florida beach. Favorite Sports Team: Minnesota Vikings Favorite Bands: In no particular order, John Mayer, Billy Joel, Bob Seger, RUSH, KISS, Lamont Cranston Band, Daisy Dillman Band, Beatles, Stones, Mozart, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin,Bob Wills & The Texas Playboys(musta been all that time I spent in Oklahoma!) Favorite Radio Moment: Far too many to mention, although meeting the Rolling Stones was a highlight. And being on the field as time expired and the Huskers won the National Championship against Miami in the Orange Bowl. THAT was COOL! CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE ON THE B MORNING SHOW Kate Kate is the most recent member to join the B107.3 staff. She LOVES Nebraska Volleyball and is really excited to be working for the station that carries all the games! She and her husband have 3 dogs and have even given one of them a musical name...Sgt. Pepper! You'll hear Kate every afternoon from 3-6pm. Dane Ross Dane is your afternoon host on B107.3 from 3-6pm and is a native Nebraskan hailing from Alliance. Moving up from his previous evening time period, Dane loves bringing you the "B Entertainment Buzz and playing the best variety of the 80's, '90's and Today! Hobbies/Interests: Songwriting and Ultimate Frisbee Favorite TV Show: Doug Favorite Movie: Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Favorite Book: Walden by Henry David Thoreau Favorite Artists: John Mayer, James Taylor Favorite Concert: James Taylor in Denver- August 2005

Lincoln · Nebraska, United States · English

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