KCVL AM 1240 - KCVL - AM 1240 - Colville, WA

KCVL is your station for news, sports, weather, talk, and great country music in the Colville Valley.

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KCVL is located in Colville, Washington. They are a country and news station with syndicated programs, Mike Huckabee News, ABC News. They also have a ... See more number of their own home-brew talk shows and programs. They have a local farm report, bingo and other home-brew programming. ------ Shows: Coast to Coast AM, ABC News, KCVL Partyline, Ask Martha, Bingo, Church Directory, KCVL Community Calendar, KCVL Country Music, KCVL Local / Regional News and Sports, Line on Agriculture, Northwest Report, Our American Forests, WKEI Pastor's Study ----- Hosts: Michael Barr, Doug Limerick, Cheri Preston, Martha Stewart, Dick Nichols, Mike Huckabee, Earl Adams, Al Gilson

Colville · Washington, United States · English

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KCVL/KCRK RadioColville, Washington


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