Our Mission KDRT aims to inspire, enrich andentertain listeners through an eclectic mix of musical, cultural,educational, and public affairs programs and services. Our stationbuilds community
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by promoting dialogue, encouraging artisticexpression, and acting as a forum for people who typically lack mediaaccess.
Our Values
We are connected by histories, placesand stories that make up our community – Yolo County and beyond.Sharing local experiences connects us to each other and to our place.KDRT promotes interaction, connections, and sense of belonging amongresidents. When people tell stories and others listen, they createcommunity.
Social Equality
The protection and promotion of humanrights requires the struggle against all forms of discrimination. KDRTmaintains that no person is superior to another based on race, class,creed, sexual orientation, or physical condition. KDRT encouragesdialogue that promotes equality and discourages discussion thatdisparages others.
All people have the right andresponsibility to take part in the decisions that affect them and theircommunities. Democracy depends on civic engagement and an exchange ofideas across all members of society. KDRT enables people to use radioto express themselves—personally, culturally, artistically, andpolitically—and to receive a diversity of information from others inorder to actively participate in public life.
Media literacy
The media powerfully influences how wethink, act, and perceive our world. To take part in our governance,strengthen our communities, and connect with the world around us, wemust be able to analyze and produce media on our own terms. KDRTprovides the tools, training, and transmission necessary for people tobecome knowledgeable and effective communicators, able to examine mediacritically and use media competently.
Diversity of programming, staff, andvolunteers is the bedrock of community radio. Dynamic community radiorequires the wisdom, experiences, interests and support of a wide rangeof people. KDRT involves a diversity of people in station activities inorder to encourage understanding and collaboration across barriers suchas ethnicity, language, class, gender, and age.
Community Media
Low-power radio stations are part of alarger community media movement focused on providing distinctivealternatives to commercial and public media. Community media centersenable residents to participate in local culture, national issues, andinternational affairs. KDRT provides compelling and relevantprogramming not usually found on other radio outlets. This includeslocally produced shows, national programming with alternativeviewpoints, and music and voices from around the world. We supportorganizations such as the National Federation of Community Broadcastersand the Alliance for Community Media.