Plays Coast To Coast AM on week days with news, sports and other talk shows. ------ Shows: Coast to Coast AM, The Kim Komando Show,
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The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Sean Hannity Show, Coast to Coast AM, The Dave Ramsey Show, The Glenn Beck Program, The Lutheran Hour, Dr. Dean Edell Medical Show, The Morning Report, The Lars Larson Show, Best of Sean Hannity, Texas Gardening, Money Talks (DW), Grace Bible Church, Christian Crusaders, Gardening with Bob Webster, Abundant Grace Church, Dr. Gelman Show, Laurel Heights Church Of Christ, The Davis Rankin Show, The Jim Hearn Farm Report, Valley News Wrap
Hosts: Dave Ramsey, Dean Edell, Chris Oaks, Doug Jenkins, Chris Miller, Lars Larson, Neil Sperry, Sergio Sanchez, Tim Sullivan, Colonel Ray, Bob Webster, Kim Komando