Offshore Music Radio - Syracuse, NY

Playing Great Music From The 60s 70s 80s 24 Hours a Day

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60 tune ins Web - 192Kbps

Welcome aboard the internet radio ship. Here at Offshore Music Radio (OMR) we love to play the music that was played by the offshore radio ... See more stations that populated the coast of the UK and Europe in the 60s, 70s and 80s. More than that, we just love music of that era so you don’t need to have been an offshore station fan to enjoy listening to OMR, one of the top internet radio stations web casting 24 hours a day. If you enjoyed the programs from the pirate radio ships such as Radio Caroline, London, 270, City, Scotland, Nordsee, Veronica, Laser 558 and Atlantis etc, then you will enjoy listening to our station. Offshore Music Radio is licensed through Loudcity and broadcasts from 128k stereo high fidelity (hi fi) audio streams down to 24k mono audio streams.

Syracuse · New York, United States · English

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