Purple Heart Radio - Annandale, VA

The Voice of the Veteran

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Purple Heart Radio is dedicated to veterans who have been awarded the Purple Heart. Purple Heart Radio is an internet radio station, staffed by combat ... See more bat wounded and disabled veterans. Our purpose is to reach out to the veteran community providing support, and most importantly information via the web. PHR programming covers a wide variety of veteran-related topics focused towards the veteran community – past, present, and future. It also contains a wealth of information for non-military listeners, along with a behind the scenes look into the life of combat wounded and disabled veterans. We live in a world that has been awarded freedom because of men and women who wore the American uniform proudly. In that group stands an elite few that have always fought the fight and knew no retreat, Purple Heart recipients. From the sands of Iwo Jima to the sands of the Persian Gulf these battles still go on today and we honor those men and women. Veterans who epitomize the phrase "all gave some, some gave all". Many people wonder what type of person it takes to earn a Purple Heart. Who is so brave, what went through their minds, why would they risk their lives and what were those times “really” like. Tune in to Purple Heart Radio and hear the accounts first hand from countless Purple Heart Recipients. This is an honor that the United States of America was built on and we at Purple Heart Radio salute you.

Annandale · Virginia, United States · English

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