Radio Basel 1 was a local radio station in the north-western Switzerland . According to his claim , he saw himself as "the radio for
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good humor - witty, sympathetic - fresh, friendly and very emotional. With a clear focus and a focus on handset proximity. "The station was next to the Northwestern Switzerland in South Baden and in the Upper Rhine received and worldwide on the Internet via web stream .
Shows: World Report, Top 10 Countdown, Agenda Cultural, Bob Berger and Bob Stelton, MeteoNews, 5 am Stück, ABC Hollywood Report, Agenda reloaded, babygallery, CH-Szene, Cocktails mixen, Daagesvorschau, Das dörfsch nit verpasse, Die dritti Halbzyt, DVD-Tipp, Film-Tipp, First Run, Glitzer der Woche, Gordon Bleu, Gsundheits- und Wohlfühltipp, InfoMagazin, Kaffiklatsch 1, Kaffiklatsch 2, Kaffiklatsch 3, Kram-O-Rama, Lyrics, Määrli, Morgenshow, Movie Show, Music News, MusicFlash, MusikBeitrag, Nixnutzikon, Phänomebâle, Pool-Temperaturen, Radio Edelweiss Lounge Talk, Radio Edelweiss News, Radiowegger, RegioSport Vorschau, Reise-Tipp, Schlemmen mit Patrick, Schneeinfos, SMS-Grüsse, Sonntags-Tipp, Summergschichte, Tagebuch der Popmusik, Ticket-Surprise, Tierisch gut, WochenMagazin, zurückgekrebst