Radio Jax - Refresh - Jacksonville, FL

Unfortunately, Radio Jax - Refresh is no longer broadcasting.

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The History of The Florida Times-Union made its initial foray into cyberspace on April 1, 1996, with the launching of ConnecT-U. ConnecT-U, which was ... See more s launched in conjunction with The Times-Union becoming an Internet Service Provider through InfiNet, included a smattering of stories gleaned from the day's editions. On April 20, 1997, replaced ConnecT-U as The Florida Times-Union's presence on the Internet. Technical innovations developed in-house and at the corporate level have enabled to greatly increase the amount of content it produces daily. That content and its presentation has helped win several prestigious state and national awards. Our most recent list of our awards is posted here. Our site has continued to grow over the years with the addition of new sports, entertainment, community and classified sections. Here are screen shots of many of the design changes over the years. In the summer and fall of 2008, and corporate staff began preparing to migrate the site to a totally new design and platform. In November, 2008, our site migrated to a new platform hosted primarily on a new content management system using open source products developed by

Jacksonville - Florida, United States - English

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