Radio Lora - FM 97.5 - Zurich

unberechenbar und einzigartig!

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30 tune ins FM 97.5 - 160Kbps

Radio LoRa 97.5 MHz fights for the sake of a free, equal and emancipatory society as a political local radio. Send Three hundred committed Sendungsmacher_innen ... See more 24 hours a day, and the ad-free. They bring us musical discoveries and astute analyzes ear or report on world events from different perspectives. More than 20 languages​​, politics and culture, and Bella Ciao Techno, everything you can find on 97.5 MHz.

Zurich · Switzerland · German

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044 567 24 00

Radio LoRa Militärstrasse 85a 8004 Zürich

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