Radio Maria Canada - English - Montreal, QC

A Catholic Voice Wherever You Are

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Radio Maria Canada, directs the life choices, comfort us in times of trial, so that, faithful to God and to man, face with humble boldness ... See more the mysterious paths of the ether, to bring to the mind and heart of every person the announcement joy of Christ, the Redeemer of man. Mary, Star of Evangelization, walks with us. Guide Radio Maria and be her protector. ------ Shows: Angelus, Santa Messa, Adorazione e S:Messa, Angelus e preghiere, Anno Eucaristico, Chiesa 2000, Corso biblico:Matteo, Duc in altum, Gruppo Mariano, Hora Mariana, I Giovani e La Famiglia, I nostri santi, Lectio Divina, Letture domenicali, Ora Vocazionale, Rassegna della Stampa, Rubrica informazioni, Santa Messa, Santa Messa dominicale, Temi Biblici, The Youth Encounter

Montreal · Quebec, Canada · English

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