Radio Maria Malawi - FM 99.2 - Blantyre

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Radio Maria is an ecclesial broadcasting initiative, founded by a group of Catholics; both the clergy and laity as a parish radio station in 1983, ... See more in Arcellasco d'Erba, in the province of Como in the Diocese of Milan, Italy. It came out of the desire by priests to reach the greatest number possible of their faithful, particularly the sick. The purpose of the radio was to provide news to parishioners and help them in prayer by broadcasting the Mass and the Rosary. Therefore they were placing antennas on their bell towers to access the transmissions. ------ Shows: Vatican Radio News, Abambo a M’Baibulo, Amayi a M’Baibulo, Anthu Oyera mu Mpingo, Ause ndi Mtendere, Bwalo la Achinyamata, Bwalo la Amayi, Bwalo la Ana, Bwalo la Uzimu, Chigawo cha ku Mmawa, Chigawo Cha Usiku, Chilungamo ndi Mtendere, Katikisimu wa Akatolika, Korona wa za Chifundo cha Mulungu, Kucheza ndi Omvera athu M’zilankhulo Zathu, Kufotokozera za Chikhulupiriro, Kugawana Mau a Mulungu, Kumvetsera Mawu a Mulungu, Kuwerenga ndi Kumasulira, Kwaya ya Sabata Ino, Limana la Chikhristu, Litania la Amayi Maria mu Studio, Mabungwe a mu Mpingo, Mafuno Abwino ku Ndende, Mafuno Abwino kwa Mnzanga, Mafuno Abwino pa Lamya nd, Mapemphero a Madzulo, Mapemphero a Masalimo, Mapemphero a Mmawa, Mapemphero Osiyanasiyana pa Lamya, Maphunziro a Demokalase, Maphunzitso a Eklezia, Maphunzitso a Maepiskopi Athu, Mau a Mulungu a Lero, Mauthenga a Chimwemwe, Mauthenga a Maliro, Mauthenga Ochokera, Mawu a Mulungu a Lero kwa Achinyamata, Mbiri ya Mpingo, Mnzanga wa Ndakatulo, Moyo wa M’banja, Moyo Wachikhristu, Mpingo ndi Anthu, Mthenga wa Mnjelo, Mwadzuka Bwanji pa Lamya ndi, Mwambo wa Nsembe ya Ukaristia, Ndandanda wa Mapulogalamu, Ndiloleni Ndiwerenge Malembo, Nkhani, Nkhani Mwachidule, Nkhani Zikuluzikulu, Nthawi ya Ana Otumikira ndi Kuvinira, Nthawi ya Ulaliki, Nyimbo za Amayi Maria pa Lamya, Nyimbo za Makwaya Zatsopano, Nyimbo za Radio Maria Kwaya Festival, Nyimbo za Uzimu ndi Mau Osinkhasinkha, Nyimbo za Uzimu Zomwe Zimanditsitsimutsa, Pemphero Lotsiriza ndi Masalimo, Pemphero Loyambirira, Pulogalamu Yapadera, Spiritual Reflections, Tidziwane ndi Atumiki a Mulungu, Tidziwe za Baibulo, Tikuoneni Mfumu ndi Litania, Tingathe Kutukula Dziko lathu, Tionenso Ulaliki, Tiphunzitseni Kupemphera, Tisinkhesinkhe Malembo a Mawa, Tiuzeni Maganizo Anu ndi Nyimbo, Tiyendetse Mpingo Wathu, Ulangizi wa Uzimu pa Matenda a Edzi, Ulimi wa Phindu, Umboni Wanga pa Makalata, Usiku Wabwino pa Lamya, Woyera wa Lero, Za Amayi Maria, Za Kuitanidwa, Za Maphunziro, Za Mtima Woyerayera, Za Umoyo, Zisudzo za Uzimu

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