Radio Somd FM - California, MD


Unfortunately, Radio Somd FM is no longer broadcasting.

Browse Radio Stations More info

radioSOMD is Southern Maryland's first internet-based community radio station. We started broadcasting on June 1, 2009. radioSOMD is produced by Southern Maryland Online. PROGRAMMING SCHEDULE ... See more LE We publish a graphical weekly schedule here. CONTACT THE STATION MANAGER If you're interested in pitching an idea or an interview, please call the station manager, David Noss, at 1-888-612-0003 x2, or e-mail radio(at) CONTACT THE DJ To contact Dee Jay the D.J., please either email radio(at) or call 240-538-9160. ADVERTISING For information on advertising on or, please call 1-877-LET-SOMD (1-877-538-7663). You can also find more information online.

California · Maryland, United States · English

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