Richmond Valley Radio - FM 88.9 - Coraki, NSW

88.9 FM

We are staffed entirely by volunteers and focused on our community's musical preferences. We mostly play tracks from the Top 10 charts of 1955 to ... See more the present and any request without four-letter words. We have worked hard and long to create and maintain a peoples' station. At the heart of every listener and every member is music, music, music - rock 'n' roll, country, old-time, dance, pop, blues and the classics. Resident specialist Dr Music uses her extensive knowledge and intertiol links to prescribe and dispense good musical medicine, answer inquiries and track down peoples' requests. There are two specialist music programmes which, in the Richmond Valley, can only be heard on 88.9 FM: My Generation and The Time Zone Top 40. My Generation focuses on the music, news and culture of the late '70s to the early '90s. We also feature the hit comedy series, How Green Is My Cactus, which you can hear twice during breakfast and again during drive-time, Monday to Friday. Other non-musical programmes include the Castlereagh Line and Dad and Dave. And of course we run a first-class Intertiol/tiol/State news service - Australian Independent News. We place lots of importance on other community organisations. Announcements about their activities are welcome and are free-to-air. Transmission TowerLocal emergencies, such as fire, storms, floods and good, or earth-shattering news, such as the discovery of life elsewhere in the universe, take priority over normal program content. The Richmond Valley has very few emergencies and aliens are rare, so music rules. To us, sponsorship is more than just OK! Broadcasting is a fairly expensive business. Sponsorship is our main source of income! The pay-off for sponsors is value-for-money promotion in the marketplace and recognition by listeners that the sponsor is supporting a worthy community organisation. If you would like to participate as a sponsor, member or a friend of the station, please contact us. You will be made most welcome. If you would prefer to be just a listener, your participation is still very valuable. Stay tuned and request your favorite music as often as you like. It's your radio station. It's your free, 50,000-track juke-box! You are important to us because the bottom line for any radio station is : "Who's out there?"

Coraki · New South Wales, Australia · English

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