1650 - 102.3 The Fan - KCNZ - AM 1650 - Cedar Falls, IA

Eastern Iowa's News and Information Station

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Tune in to Focus on Racing Radio, Fox GameTime Saturday Warm-Up, and broadcasts such as FOX Overtime, among others. ------ Shows: First Light, Sporting News ... See more ews Radio Network, The Jim Rome Show, The Money Pit, The Drive on Fox, Fox Game Time Live, Fox GameTime React, The Third Shift on Fox, Fox MoneyBall: The Cost of Winning, Race Day on Fox, America's Car Show, Fox GameTime React, Fox GameTime Rewind, Fox GameTime Saturday Warm-Up, Fox GameTime Sunday, Fox GameTime Sunday React, FOX Overtime, Fox GameTime Saturday, Diamond Gems, Fox Sunday Warm-Up, Focus on Racing Radio, Northeast Iowa Outdoors, Sports Wrap, The Fan Morning Show ----- Hosts: Tim Brando, Steve Czaban, Bob Berger, Chris Moore, Rick Horrow, Tom Torbjornsen, Chris Landry, John Fricke, Dan Patrick, Jim Rome

Cedar Falls · Iowa, United States · English

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(319) 277-1918

P.O. Box 248 Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613


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