The Mighty 790 - KGHL - AM 790 - Billings, MT


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Our studios are open M-F 8am to 5pm and are located at: 222 N 32nd St. 10th Floor Billings, MT 59101 Program Director: Nick Tyler ... See more Tyler Sales Manager: Terry Strickland Studio: 406-238-1079 Office: 406-238-1000 Fax: 406-238-1038 ------ Shows: Hal Moore, Dave Weston, Lew Jones, Marty Montell, The Midnight Trucking Radio Network, Bill Western, CJ Gregory, KGHL Public Affairs & Religious Programming, Lonnie Bell's Classic Country, Montana Outdoor Sports, Nick Tyler, Tradio ----- Hosts: Eric Harley, Gary Mcnamara, Lonnie Bell, Nick Tyler

Billings · Montana, United States · English

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222 N 32nd St. 10th FloorBillings, MT 59101

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