Voice America Empowerment - Phoenix, AZ


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We're VoiceAmerica. And we give a voice to America We feature more than 200 hosts talking about a variety of topics—from sports and finance to ... See more to health, hobbies, pop culture, business and, well, you name it. We're a pioneer in original Web-based talk radio programming. In fact, we practically invented it, back in the 1990s. But we're not resting on our laurels. We're constantly looking for new ways of delivering information and lively discussion to our ranks of 2.5 million listeners—whether its through adoption of cutting-edge technology, more channels, a growing stable of diverse hosts or agreements with top brands for sponsorship of content. ------ Shows: Positive Living, The Dr. Pat Show, A Bridge from Desperation to Inspiration, All Things Music, America’s Dog Whisperers, Annie Armen Live, Beauty in America, Championship Thinking, Clarissa Burt Talks, Dance is Life, Life is Dance, Disability Matters, Divorce Mediation, Dr. Carole's Couch, Empowering Moments, Getting Beyond Divorce, InsideDiversity, Leadership Intuitions, Manifesting Awesomeness, Meeting By Accident, Millionaire Mentor, Muscular Development, Pageant Talk International, Quantum Leaps, Radio, By George, Real Talk, Relationship Home, Relationship Secrets from the Mancave, Stars of PR, Success Made Simple, The Dave Pelzer Show, The Development Connection, The Kerry Douglas Show, The Love Doctor, The Parents' Hour, The Power of a Focused Life, The Road To Ready, TraVerus Celebrity Travel Talk, WAKE UP WORLD! This is it!, Waking Up in America, Women & Wine ----- Hosts: Patricia Raskin, Dr. Pat Baccili, Clarissa Burt, Doreen Rainey, Jeff Spenard, Ryan Treasure, Michael Mitchell, Eddie George, Brandy J. Jackson, Dave Pelzer, Tom Grbich, Stacey Stern

Phoenix · Arizona, United States · English

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(480) 294-6417

1900 West University Drive Suite 230Tempe, AZ 85281-3293USA


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