WHRI Angel 2 - Cypress Creek, SC


Unfortunately, WHRI Angel 2 is no longer broadcasting.

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World Harvest Radio’s first Angel, WHRI, signed on the air for the first time on Christmas Day in 1985. Originally, we used one transmitter to ... See more broadcast to Europe thirteen hours a day and to South America the other eleven hours. In September of 1987, we added a second transmitter and began broadcasting in both directions 24 hours a day.In December of 1993, we began broadcasting to Asia. KWHR is located on the island of Hawaii and transmits twelve million watts of power (ERP). Using a special antenna, we are able to target a specific area. This enables our broadcasts to penetrate the atmosphere and minimize interference. Letters from listeners attest that our signal comes in loud and clear all over the Asian continent.In September of 1997 God provided yet another transmitter to be added to KWHR in Hawaii. The new transmitter (Angel 4) targeted the 27 million people of the South Pacific, furthering our ongoing effort to provide the best teaching and preaching of God's Word to all the people who live on the many islands of the South Pacific. We shout Hallelujah because of the knowledge that the people in Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and other islands hear God's Word Daily.Our most powerful station, WHRA Angel 5, was added in February of 1998. WHRA has 30 million watts of "Jesus Power"(ERP) for Africa, the Middle East and those living in the 10/40 Window. WHRA is 2 1/2 times more powerful than all other LeSEA Short-wave stations and the most powerful Christian Radio Station in North America. Letters from excited Christians say our Signal is "Loud and Clear!"If God has placed a desire in your heart to proclaim His message to Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean, South America, Oceania or Southeast Asia, then look no further. The staff of World Harvest Radio will be happy to help you reach the region(s) of your choice. ------ Shows: Call to Worship, A Woman's Special Touch, Choices, Dr. Sumrall Missions, Eternal Good News, Finding Hope, Lester Sumrall Teachings, Lifetime Commentary, Live from Studio B, Midnight Cry, Mission For Christ, Moments in Bible Prophecy, Prayerline Presents, Pulse FM, Voice of Praise, Waymaker Ministries, WHRI Music, Word For The World, BBC Newshour, Adventures in Odyssey, Prophecy Today, Deutsche Welle News, 20 The Countdown Magazine, Radio Liberty, Politics & Religion, Christian Crusaders, The Daily Dose, Moments of Inspiration, Worship His Majesty, As The Bible Speaks, Bringing A Message, DXing with Cumbre, Evangelistic Faith Ministries, Gospel Crusades, Harvest Mailbag, Harvest Show, Highway of Life, Secret of Eternal Life, The Lord's Challenge, WHRI News, A Message From Donald Raymond, Abraham's Gospel, Bible Readings, Christian Conduit, Encounter, Eternal Truth presented, Faithway Baptist Hour, Golden Rule Broadcast, IRN Network News, La Voix Des Eaux Vivantes, Lighthouse Radio Bible Study, Mission For God, Ordained for Worship, Shepherd's Chapel, Sign of the Time International, The Upper Room, Truth for The World, Word and Power Ministries ----- Hosts: Bernie Timmerman, Norma Bonds, Bob Tref, George Bryan, Jeff Goss, Lester Sumrall, A.d. Sturm, Dennis Jones, Martin Anderson, Laura Blackley, Mary Hoffmeyer, Robert Myers, Isabelle Dawson, Jim Loyal, Corey Mann, Bill Scott, Kimberly Ann, Kenneth Ivey, Earl Bailey, Jimmy Deyoung, Jon Rivers, Dr. Stan Monteith, Mark Biltz, Ken Smith, Marie Lamb, Stefan Radelich, Kelly Morgan, Chuck Freeby, Christian Messenger, Phillip Vanwinkle, Kendal Rasnake, Pastor Steve, Cathy Akers

Cypress Creek · South Carolina, United States · English

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