Big Cat 97.1 - WLDX - AM 990 - Fayette, Al

The X Is Coming

AM 990 - 128Kbps

WLDX signed on September 3, 1949, as WWWF. The station was licensed to Bankhead Broadcasting Company, Inc., whose sole owner was Walter Will Bankhead -- ... See more perhaps explaining all the Ws in the call letters. The station was located near the Sipsey River on Highway 43 South. The studio moved to the old Brown Funeral Home building in downtown Fayette. It remained there until moving to the current location, 733 Columbus Street East, in June of 1966. The station's first General Manager Jack Black served until 1985. In 1986, W. A. Grant Jr. and Eloise Thomley acquired the station as SIS Sound of Fayette, Inc. In June, 1987, the station switched to its current call letters, WLDX. Thomley served as General Manager from 1986 until May 31, 2005. In 1996, Thomley, along with husband Wayne, as owners of Thomley Broadcasting Company, Inc., purchased the station. The Thomleys retired in May, 2005. On June 1, 2005, Dean Broadcasting, Inc., acquired the station. Jill Dean assumed the duties of General Manager of the station and Vice President of the company. Steve Dean is also a vice president of Dean Broadcasting. J Wiley Dean is president of Dean Broadcasting. The station has served various formats in its 50+ years. There were programs called "Kitchen Kapers," "Dinner Bell Round Up," "The Beeper Show," and "Gus and Ola's Gospel Music." In the 1960s the format was called "Something for Everyone," starting the day with country, adding 30 minutes of gospel at midday, switching to easy listening until PM-drive, then becoming rock. In the 1980s, WLDX changed format to country. Many personalities have contributed to the history of the station. Some of the On-Air personalities included Morgan Gravlee and his dog "Old Blue", Robert Earl "Bob" Grizzelle, Paul Slatton, Tony Harkey, Eddie Harkey, "Little Orville" Herman, Ed Watkins, Bill Carr, Tom "Scooter" Roberts, Hugh Hughes, Don Estes, Baine Hill, Sue Cooper, Jimmy Davis, Sonny Morgan, Gary Boyles, Don Moore, Tim "Doogan" Gardner, Paul Hammack, Paige Thomley, Shelly Reiker, Carol Rainey, Hank Hodo, Herbie Newell, Billy Walker, Mike Duckworth, Jeff Nabors, Glenn Collins, Shannon Davis, Brook Ellison, Jason Norris, Jamie Lucas, John "JC" Creitz. For many years Douglass Barbor hosted a morning news programs called "Out of the Night" from his grocery store, Kemp and Barbour's. Zeke Edmondson co-hosted and was also the station engineer. In the 1980s the morning news show was changed to "Morning Call" and hosted by Carol Rainey and John Gordon. Gordon still hosts the show today. Joe "Jackson" joined WLDX in August, 1990, and is now the Program Director. Two programs and one personality have been with the station since its first on-air date on 1949: Switch and Swap and At Your Service still air today and Anthony "Big A" Wilson still broadcasts, now with a one-hour program on Sunday afternoons. WLDX is affiliated with FOX News Network. Programming includes Fayette County High School football, Us Kids, Morning Call, and Midday. WLDX remains today a vital part of the Fayette Community, committed to the information and entertainment needs of the area. ------ Shows: ABC News, Bible Talk, Alabama News, At Your Service, Conference Call, Hometown Country, Midday, Morning Call, Morning Fellowship, Remember When at 10, Switch and Swap, Us Kids ----- Hosts: Michael Barr, Doug Limerick, Cheri Preston, Abrahamprabu Josuapichaikani, Samuel Samsonsanjeevi, Isaku Yakobu

Fayette · Alabama, United States · English

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