WMSR Redhawk Radio - Oxford, OH

Miami University's Student-Run Radio Station

Unfortunately, WMSR Redhawk Radio is no longer broadcasting.

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WMSR is Miami University’s one and only all student run radio station. We play everything from new indie rock and acoustic world beats to soul, ... See more mash-ups, hip-hop… and like we said everything in between. Our news department is revved up and ready to deliver great public affairs programming to keep you up to speed on campus events, news, and local issues that matter. And our sports department is relied upon by Miami sports fans across the nation to bring the action to their internet stream wherever they are. We’ve been hard at work blasting great stuff from Williams Hall since the 80′s. ------ Shows: 80's at Eight, A Dose Of R&B, Afterdark Underground, Albert, Sunray, Mills, Audio Cocaine, Avocado Couch, Ben & Christine Show, Ben & Pac Show, Brian & Brad, Britney Schultz, Captain Kool, Christian Rock Miami, Ciro Gaimari, Clark Benson, Coffey in the Morning, Colin & Scott Hour, Congrats Mr. Appleby, Cup O' Joe, Dead Air Show, Diggin' For Soul, Don't Hate Us, Eclectic Avenue, Eclectic Energy, Emily Imes, Feel My Heat, Finer Things Club, Galen & Matt Show, Hard Core Kayos, Heels For Success, Hip Hop Experience, Hip Hop Hangover, Hollipalooza, Hour of Love, Hunter Oface, Indie Invasion, Jane Says, Jeff And Guy, Jess Londeree, Joe & Bo Show, John Scheflow, Jose Enrique, Kids At Heart, King Joseus Hour, Laura Runyan, Lechuga Tortuga, Mikes At Miami, Mixed Media, Nicole Kusold, No Logic Mash Bash, Old Tiny Blues Hours, Pat's Stats Sports, Rants & Raves Radio, Rodger & Cooley, Rush Hour Renegades, Salbu's News, Snap Crackle Punk, Something Refreshing, Stealing the Morning, Talk of the Campus, The Couch Coaches, The Djck show, The KK & Bee Show, The KO Experience, The Lab Partners, The Matt & Tyler Show, The Morning Fix at Noon, The Neal Paul Show, The Underdogs, This Week in Sports, Top 10 Showdown, Weekly Buzz ----- Hosts: Tristan Chan, Nick Anderson, Patrick Murray, Molly Wayner, Hollis Davis, Emily Imes, Albert Sunray, Sarah Salbu, Brian Kelly, Brad Pitman, Hunter Olson, Joe Pestro, Clark Benson, Mr. Appleby, Rachel Lanka, Andrew Bowman, Chris Rydburg, Congrats Mr. Appleby, Chris Kelly, Eric O'bryant, Jess Londeree, Ben Majoy, Mary Toth, Emily Seiders, Jose Enrique, Modern Rock, Rodger Cooley, Dylan Gafarian, Ali Mattiucci, Brianna Lotierzo, Snap Crackle Punk, Aaron Pittenger, Lauren Madonia, David Bianculli, Dave Davies, Ken Tucker, Britney Schultz

Oxford · Ohio, United States · English

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+1 513 529 1269

221C Williams Hall, 305 S. Oak St., Oxford, OH 45056


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