WRMJ 102.3 FM - WRMJ - FM 102.3 - Aledo, IL

Today's Country & Your All Time Favorites

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WRMJ is a full-service station that plays "Today's Country - Your All Time Favorites." We are involved in Mercer and surrounding counties on the air ... See more and off in making WRMJ the most listened to station in the Mercer County area. That position is remarkable for any station of any size market. We are proud to be able to fill the needs of the communities we serve. WRMJ has been serving the area since 1979. ------ Shows: ABC News, RFD Illinois, Stock Market Report, WTSU Community Calendar, Farm Break, RFD Ag Weather, RFD Midday Summary, Illinois Agri-Business News, Nashville News Flash, Stock Market Report, Cargill Ag Horizons Market Report, Cash Grain Price Summary, Commodity & Livestock Settlement Report, Commodity Update, FOCUS Interview with people of local interest, Livestock Market Report, Local News, Weather, Sports, Martin Grain Report, News/Local and National, Noon Farm Show, SportsDesk, Spotlight On Sports, Western IL Today News, WRMJ Birthday Anniversary ----- Hosts: Michael Barr, Doug Limerick, Cheri Preston, Alan J. Jarand, Lou Hansen, Matt Kaye, Jim Taylor, Betty Wages, Patti Hanson, John Hoscheidt, Terry Tracy, Bill Eckersen, Paul Mcdonald, Matt Privratsky

Aledo · Illinois, United States · English

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2104 South East Third StreetAledo, IL


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