FM 92.9 and AM 1180 WSQR - WSQR - AM 1180 - Sycamore, IL

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WSQR AM 1180 is a full-service AM station that keeps you informed of all the latest in Local News, Local Weather, Local Sports and Local ... See more Communities’ Events. All day, every day, WSQR brings it home to you. WSQR offers strong local coverage with a broad selection of programming that appeals to different audiences. The music is light, easy, relaxing current hits, and includes hits from the 1970s and 1980s. WSQR’s signal reaches more than two million listeners, of which 175,000 reside in a core listening area.

Sycamore · Illinois, United States · English

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Phone:630-522-1000815-786-1000Contest Lines:630-552-7018630-553-7018815-786-7018815-899-7018Fax:630-552-9300News:630-552-1071News Fax:630-552-9000

Corporate Office: One Broadcast Center, Plano, IL 60545-2100


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