WiccanWeb Radio 3 - Ottawa, ON

Wicca Within the Web

Unfortunately, WiccanWeb Radio 3 is no longer broadcasting.

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WiccanWeb has beed around since 2003. It's slowed since in the last few years because the site creator has since acquired 3 children, started his ... See more own company and moved 4 times. Thankfully others have stepped up to the plate to keep the news flowing and keep the site active. The Good News is the migration to a new content management system is well underway (giving WiccanWeb a new lease on life).. the bad news is much will be misplaced during the migration. Programs change and not everything can be preserved as it once was. The hard part here is the 'Chief Geek & Bottle Washer' still has 3 children and his own company, the site needs a crew to 'repair' files after the migration process. I'm not even sure how to tackle this job but if your interested in helping preserve WW drop me an email and I'll find you something to do :)

Ottawa · Ontario, Canada · English

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