I am sorry, but if you don't get more accurate with your traffic reports, you are going back to music radio. Case in point. Aug 15 7:40am you said traffic southbound is between Steveston and the golf course. My route was to exit Steveston Westbound. One minute later I am sitting between the golf course and Blundell not moving because of the HOV lane. Aug 13 4:45pm accident southbound Knight st bridge on the off ramp to Marine east. Twice this was reported. Meanwhile because nothing was stated about the back up and I assumed it was cleared or off to the side. So I went North on Knight and stopped dead at the 91. Finally when I am in this line you announced 22 minutes later that the back up was to 91. In the past you were extremely reliable but lately it seems that borders, ferries etc are more important than actual rush hour road conditions.
Aug. 16, 2013, 4:52 a.m. GMT