2NURFM - FM 103.7 - Newcastle, NSW

The Sound of the Hunter

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2NUR FM 103.7 is a broadcast radio station from The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, providing Community News, Events, Activities and Services, Easy Listening ... See more and Hits music. ------ Shows: From Our Own Correspondent (R4 Edition), Global Business, One Planet, The Monday Documentary, The Strand, Assignment, BBC Business Daily, BBC World Business News, BBC World News, World Briefing, Analysis (BBC WS), Digital Planet, Sportsworld, BBC Outlook, BBC Sports Roundup, Europe Today, Something Understood, Wednesday Documentary (BBC WS), Discovery, Health Check

Newcastle · New South Wales, Australia · English

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+61 2 4921 6216

The University of Newcastle, University Drive Callaghan, NSW 2308


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