Talk Radio 702 - FM 106.0 / 92.7 - Johannesburg

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Talk Radio 702 is a broadcast radio station in Johannesburg, South Africa, providing News, Sports, Business and Talk shows. Previously known as Radio 702, Talk ... See more Radio 702 is well-known as one of only two radio stations providing independent news broadcasts during South Africa's apartheid. ------ Shows: The World at Six, The Alternative View, Talk at Nine, Overnight Live, The Midday Report, A Word On, Believe It or Not, Early Breakfast, Early Weekend Breakfast, In, Out and About, Jazz with Gary van Dijk, Redi Direko, Saturday Breakfast, Solid Gold Weekend, The Band Stand, David O'Sullivan, John Robbie, The Jenny's Show ----- Hosts: David O'sullivan, Eleanor Moore, Gia Nicolaides, Kieno Kammies, Adam Ford, John Robbie, Chris Gibbons, Redi Thlabi, Africa Melane, Bruce Whitfield, Kay Sexwale, Allan Barnard, Ronald Bobroff, Jenny Crwys-williams

Johannesburg · Gauteng, South Africa · English

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+27 011 506 3702

Primedia Place, 5 Gwen Lane, 2196 Sandown, Gauteng, South Africa

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