Aboriginal Voice's Radio - CKAV-FM-9 - FM 95.7 - Ottawa, ON

Cadian Aborigil Culture

Unfortunately, Aboriginal Voice's Radio - CKAV-FM-9 is no longer broadcasting.

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Aborigil Peoples Aborigil Cadians include the groups of First tion, Inuit and Metis. There are over 600 governmental and societal groups that encompass Aborigil Cadians ... See more s in Cada. The population of Aborigils in Cada exceed 1,730,000 individuals. Aborigils are an integral part of Cadian society and have contributed greatly to the tion. Aborigil Festival Here is the Aborigil Festival. Complete Aborigil Legal Manifesto If you are looking for the legal right of Aborigils look no further than here. Aborigil Culture Aborigil Culture has become enmeshed in Cadian Culture but it remains unique it’s own right. You can check out many cultural influences here. ------ Shows: Earthsongs, American Indian Living, Native America Calling, UnderCurrents ----- Hosts: David Derose, Kathy Mayo, Lisa Nason, Rod Worl, Gregg Mcvicar:, Matt Fidler, Stacey Winslow

Ottawa · Ontario, Canada · English

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