Atlantic Oldies 2NG - Washington, DC

Unfortunately, Atlantic Oldies 2NG is no longer broadcasting.

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The foundation of Atlantic Oldies 2NG is now Station Playlist, an automation package from StationPlaylist. It sits humming 24/7 without much of a hiccup. Every ... See more now and again it burps and lets me know it's alive, but for $250 the reliability, feature set and support is without any doubt amazing. I changed from SAM because SPL handles voice-tracking (allowing me to record some announcements and make it sound live) far better and also the audio encoding is better as a rule. As of February 2008 I changed to Station Playlist Creator to generate playlists for the station. Whilst not as flexible in terms of rules and scheduling, it actually does everything I need it to for Atlantic Oldies 2NG and does it well. It allows me to schedule jingles nearer to times, and also insert voice tracks for as far ahead as I could see fit! MusicGen Lite was retired. A great free package but no longer supported, even in the paid versions. Time to move on. Atlantic Oldies 2NG is then encoded into multiple streams, two MP3, one AAC+ and two WMA. This web site is run by a CMS (Content Management System) called Joomla with some add-ons by me to show you what is playing. Sometimes I do live shows but now I record a weekly show, and I have an old Arrakis 2100SC audio board which I found on eBay. It is styled in the type used in American radio studio's, British studio's tend to use a different style but similar(ish). I have a computer attached where I can run either Station Playlist in live-assist or my own software that does all I need. To complete the British-ness I just purchased a pair of Beyer Dynamic DT100 headphones (cans) that for some reason are the staple of European radio stations but are like finding chicken's teeth in the U.S.

Washington · DC, United States · English

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2NG Radio HouseWashington, DC

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