BBN - WYFQ - AM 930 - Charlotte, NC

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BBN's Doctrinal Statement We believe in the Bible, which is verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit in the original manuscripts and is the infallible and ... See more authoritative Word of God. It is the sole authority for the Christian faith and conduct. We believe in the Triune Godhead in Three Persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the personality of Satan, called the Devil, and his present control over unregenerate mankind. We believe in the fall and lost estate of man, whose total depravity makes necessary the new birth. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, death, bodily resurrection, present exaltation at God’s right hand, and personal, imminent, and pre-millennial return. We believe in the atonement by the substitutionary death and shed blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We believe in the resurrection of the saved unto everlasting life and blessedness in heaven, in the Church, the Body or Bride of Christ, consisting only of those who are born again, for whom He now makes intercession in heaven and for whom He shall come again. We believe in the resurrection of the unsaved unto everlasting punishment in hell. We believe in Christ’s great commission to the Church to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, baptizing and teaching those who believe. BBN's History On May 28, 1968, Lowell Davey, President of the Bible Broadcasting Network, made an offer to purchase a radio station in Norfolk, Virginia. As he stated in that letter, "We sense the need of a quality station that is Christian oriented and has quality music, both classical and Christian. We are, therefore, in the process of looking for the availability of such a station." That was the beginning of the Bible Broadcasting Network. Lowell Davey was not able to purchase that station but the idea of BBN was underway. Official incorporation took place about a year later on March 28, 1969, when God led BBN to purchase a radio station that had gone bankrupt and was off the air. Through several miracles, God began BBN with that radio station in Norfolk, VA. WYFI signed on October 2, 1971 at 5:00 in the evening. Since that beginning so many years ago, we have played our theme song every morning at 5:57 AM - "To God Be The Glory. Great Things He Has Done." We give God the glory for moving and opening doors to reach the hearts of people everywhere using the tool of radio. BBN's History On May 28, 1968, Lowell Davey, President of the Bible Broadcasting Network, made an offer to purchase a radio station in Norfolk, Virginia. As he stated in that letter, "We sense the need of a quality station that is Christian oriented and has quality music, both classical and Christian. We are, therefore, in the process of looking for the availability of such a station." That was the beginning of the Bible Broadcasting Network. Lowell Davey was not able to purchase that station but the idea of BBN was underway. Official incorporation took place about a year later on March 28, 1969, when God led BBN to purchase a radio station that had gone bankrupt and was off the air. Through several miracles, God began BBN with that radio station in Norfolk, VA. WYFI signed on October 2, 1971 at 5:00 in the evening. Since that beginning so many years ago, we have played our theme song every morning at 5:57 AM - "To God Be The Glory. Great Things He Has Done." We give God the glory for moving and opening doors to reach the hearts of people everywhere using the tool of radio. Our Purpose Simply stated, our purpose is to get God's word into the hearts and minds of people using the most efficient means at our disposal. Radio and the internet remain the most cost-effective tools for reaching people with the Gospel and teaching them 24 hours a day. We fulfill our purpose using the unique tools of technology along with a unique blend of ministry-focused programming. The truth of the Gospel has not lost its power, but has often lost its audience because of poor or inadequate presentation. We may only have one chance to share the Gospel message with a person. Our message must always be right and honoring to the Lord and be presented in a way that doesn't take away from its importance. For us, radio is not a business. It is a ministry. We believe the programming must be warm, friendly and informative and must present the Truth. The microphones of the Bible Broadcasting Network are as sacred as any pulpit in the world so we broadcast daily prayer times, children's programs, Bible teaching, teen programs and family guidance programs. We also provide a toll-free number for personal guidance (1-800-888-7077). Through these avenues, we are able to share the Gospel, often leading people to Jesus Christ. BBN is a ministry that meets spiritual needs. Would you help us by inviting those you know to tune in? Our desire is that many will come to Christ, homes will be built up, and Christians will go forth to evangelize in fulfillment of the Great Commission. International Radio 24/7 BBN is sharing the Word of God around the world via streaming on the internet in several languages. To visit the other language web sites, click here. We also operate AM and FM radio stations in 14 countries of North and South America. Station listings are available on our English, Spanish and Portuguese web sites. Those stations reach over 200 million people. The open door and response to his Word has been tremendous. Never has there been a greater opportunity to reach people for Jesus Christ than today. E-mail response is coming to us from all over the world. Missionaries, business men, students, and a host of others have written or called. Many have come to Christ or have rededicated their lives to Him. English Radio BBN now owns and operates over 30 full power stations and over 100 low power stations in 29 different States. Every radio station carries the same programming allowing us to share God's Word consistently with over 50 million people each day in the US. ------ Shows: Insight for Living, Songs in the Night, Sunday Sermon, Thru The Bible, Unshackled!, Adventures in Odyssey, Family News in Focus, Let My People Think, The Bible Study Hour, Joni and Friends, Psalm 95, Science, Scripture, and Salvation, The Adventures of Patch the Pirate, Guidelines For Living, The Legal Alert, Bible Quiz Question, Our Daily Bread, Running to Win, Children's Music Room, Family Altar, Glad Tidings, Moody Church Hour, Sounds Of Joy, Creation Moments, Good News, Wisdom for the Heart, Friends of Israel, Children's Bible Hour, Redeeming The Time, Word of Life, Daily Bible Reading, Bible Study Time, To God Be The Glory, BBN Worship Hour, Bit of Heaven, Building Blocks for the Family, Christian Classics, Conference Pulpit, Dynamic Living, Faith Crossing, Manna For The Morning, Musical Backgrounds, Musical Reflections, Prayer For Our Nation, Streams In the Desert Baptist Church, The Captain's Club, Tinyburg Tales, Word For Women, Words of Praise, Perspective, Take a Minute ----- Hosts: Harry C.causey, Russell Howard, Dr. Lowell Davey, Bryant Nelson

Charlotte · North Carolina, United States · English

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1-800-888-7077 or 704-523-5555

Postal AddressBible Broadcasting Network11530 Carmel Commons Blvd. Charlotte , NC 28226 Send Letters to:Bible Broadcasting NetworkP.O. Box 7300Charlotte , NC 28241-7300

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