Classical 101 - WRR - FM 101.1 - Dallas, TX

WRR 101.1 FM is classical music for North Texas | Powered by its listeners.

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WRR is the only commercial station in Texas that plays classical music 24 hours a day and is the oldest same-owner station in the U.S. ... See more With a tower in Cedar Hill, the 100,000 watt station's listening area spans 100 miles in any direction. ------ Shows: A Night on the Town, From the Top, New York Philharmonic This Week, Pipe Dreams, Beethoven Satellite Network, Exploring Music, Romantic Hours ----- Hosts: George Harter, Christopher O'riley, Ji Yong Kim, Des Moines, Michael Barone, Peter Van De Graaff, Bill Mcglaughlin

Dallas · Texas, United States · English

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(214) 670-8888

P.O. Box 159001 Dallas, TX 75315-9001

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