Coral Springs Police Scanner - Pompano Beach, FL

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30 tune ins Web - 16Kbps presents the live broadcasts of both the Coral Springs Police and Fire Department and the Broward County Police and Fire Rescue. You can hear ... See more the action first hand and appreciate the serious issues that our public service professionals face every minute of the day. What will I hear? Everything that is said on the radio by both the Police and Fire Departments. Both departments have their own code system, and that's why we provide you with the tools necessary to understand. Located on the left bar are various choices that give you a greater understanding of what's going on. Feel free to discuss what you hear on our bulletin board system. Remember! What you hear cannot be used for commercial use and of course illegal use.

Pompano Beach · Florida, United States · English

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12453 NW 44th Street Coral Springs, Fl. 33065

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