104.5 FM & 1440 AM WAJR - WAJR - AM 1440 - Morgantown, WV

The Voice of Morgantown

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1440 WAJR is a broadcast radio station from Morgantown, WV, United States, providing News, Talks and Sports shows. ------ Shows: Coast to Coast AM, The ... See more Sean Hannity Show, Coast to Coast AM, America in the Morning, Chris Lawrence & Jennifer Smith, Church Programs, Coach Bob Huggins, Greatest Hits-Greatest Stars, Hoppy Kercheval, Kay Murray & Jim Stallings, Kyle Wiggs, Lauren Boczek, Love Songs, Morgantown AM Talk Show, Tony Caridi, Travis Jones ----- Hosts: Jim Bohannon, Chris Lawrence, Jennifer Smith, Kay Murray, Jim Stallings, Dale Miller, Hoppy Kercheval, Tony Caridi

Morgantown · West Virginia, United States · English

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1251 Earl L. Core Rd, Morgantown, WV 26505


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