Fundamental Broadcasting Network - Newport, NC

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Fundamental Broadcasting Network is an internet radio station from Newport, North Carolina, United States, providing Christian Education, Talk and Praise and Worship on the internet ... See more and over the air as FBN Radio, a ministry of Grace Baptist Church. ------ Shows: Peoples Gospel Hour, Unshackled!, Stories of Great Christians, Scripture Reading, The Legal Alert, Bob Shelton Gospel Ministries, Treasury of Great Hymns, Family Altar, Gospel Hour, Prophecy For Today, Sounds Of Joy, QuietTime, Bible Lessons, Bible Tract Echoes, Challenge for the Day, Harvest Time Broadcast, Miracles, Old Fashioned Revival Hour, The Radio Bible Hour, The Voice of Hephzibah House, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, Morning Devotions, What Does The Bible Say?, The Bible in Living Sound, Gospel Light Baptist Church, Looking Unto Jesus, Truth for Teens, Facing Tomorrow, Keys to Family Living, Marching to Zion, Moments for Missions, Sword of the Lord, Living Truth, Spoken Word of God, Believer's Bible Hour, Word of Truth, Revival Time, Sermon & Song, Words of Life, Light for the Pathway, Aunt "B", Calvary Hour, Children's Bible Club, Children's Gospel Hour Daily, Christ Through You, Community Bulletin Board, Daily in the Word, Emmanuel Echoes, Explore the Word, Fisherman's 5 Minute Look at the Book, Israel's Messenger, Lamp and Light Broadcast, Lift Up Your Eyes, Mariner's Call, Mission Update, Morning Devotions from the Pastor's Study, News & Weather, Pastor Norman Marks, Teen Issues, The Blessed Hope, Truck Driver's Special, Under His Wings, Viewpoint on the Home, WHGT Selected Programming ----- Hosts: Perry Rockwood, Bob Shelton, Pastor Perry F. Rockwood, Bibel.tract.echoes, Bibel.tract.echoes, Bibel.tract.echoes, Dr. Stinnett Ballew, Charles Fuller, Don Smith, Dr. J. Harold Smith, David Robinson, Alesia Robinson, Mt. Olive, Pastor Costella, Christian Oldies, Lee Roberson, Brother Blankenship, Dr. Jack Palmer, Tim Schaefer, Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, Geoff Brown, Mark Newman, S Lewis Johnson, Dr. Bob, Dr. J. Bennett Collins, Aunt "b", Dr. Bill Wingard, Bill Mason, Dr. Paul Chappell, Dr. Larry Aikens, Dr. Andy Bloom, Pastor Dennis Wiggs, Pastor Norman Marks, Brother Steven Blankenship, Brother John

Newport · North Carolina, United States · English

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520 Roberts Rd, Newport, NC 28570

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