Hits 105.5 - WMVR-FM - FM 105.5 - Sidney, OH

80's 90's Now!

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WMVR / HITS 105.5 2929 West Russell Road Sidney, Ohio 45365 Business Line (937) 492-1270 Fax (937) 498-2277 Request Line (937) 498-1055 Billing and Traffic ... See more Manager: michelle@hits1055.com Production Manager: scott@hits1055.com Music Director: joe@hits1055.com Programming Director: scott@hits1055.com On Air Talent: onair@hits1055.com Loretta Trent Loretta Kinney General Manager/Sales Welcome to our All New Hits 105.5 Website, Hope you have located the information you were looking for, if you haven't call us! (937-492-1270) If you are in need of details about advertising on Hits 105.5, don't hesitate call me. It would be my pleasure to design an advertising program that will fit your advertising needs. Some 411 about me: My position at Hits 105.5 is not just my job it is my passion. I have to be one of the luckiest people in the world to be able to have a position that is as rewarding and enjoyable as mine. Working with a crew that loves their positions just as much as I do, makes it the coolest job ever! I thank the Miller Family everyday for believing in my abilities and for this outrageous opportunity. Thanks for listening. Keep HITS 105.5 tuned in because the best is yet to come!!! Contact me Loretta@hits1055.com

Sidney · Ohio, United States · English

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(937) 492-1270

2929 West Russell RoadSidney, Ohio 45365


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