Indie Soul Radio - Palm Springs, CA

The home of New independent Soul, Funk, Neo Soul, Jazz, Gospel and back in time gems

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An Independent station providing a platform for independent artists be it Soul , Funk , Neo Soul, Jazz , Gospel we got is all. A ... See more growing station with DJ's some of which are also professional musicians such as :DJ Prone - UK , Soul legend -Will Downing (yes the singer!) - USA, Ashley Scott (Philadelphian Soul Singer)- USA, Gina Sedman (yes the singer!) Michael K Amil - Canada. We also do exclusive interviews with guests and have had the likes of high profile artists such as Robert ' Kool' Bell (Kool & The Gang), Larry D (The Barkays) , Lenny Williams (Tower of Power) , Lisa Fischer (Luther Vandross , Sting, Rolling Stones etc) and some of todays independent artists such as Melonyx and Blue Soul Ten.

Palm Springs · California, United States · English

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