KALX - FM 90.7 - Berkeley, CA


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Join KALX and friends at Ashkenaz for an evening with Fishtank Ensemble. Ashkenaz is located at 1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley. Doors open at 8:00pm, ... See more show starts at 9:00pm. This show is all ages and wheelchair accessible. ------ Shows: Round Midnight, Information Overload, Sight Unseen, 45 Rpm, Alternate Tunings, Arts in Review, Bear Talk, Bird Alderon, Bo Derelict, Burnt Toast, Carnacki, Charley Varrick, Cuppa Joe, D-Bert, Disco Shawn, Discourse on the Eighth & Ninth, Dollar Bin, Duncan, Eddy Bauer, Film Close-Ups, First time DJ, Harrison, Hermes, Jesse Luscious, KALX Anonymous, KALX Evening News, KALX Live!, KALX Shortwave, KALX Summertime, Leftfield Lance, Mack, Majority Whip, Matthew Africa, Meaty Paws, Michelangelo, Midge, Midnight Express, Mixtress 9, Mr. Baxter, Murky Logic, New Deal, Northgate Magazine, Nutella, Poindexter, Pop Goes the Weasel, Probono Bonobo, Rubberband Girl, Sergio, Sex for Teens, Sidja, Soapbox Derby, Sort of Nirvana, Tamara, The Good Foot, The Graduates, The Muse, The Next Big Thing, Tiger Lily, Why Baby Why, Women Hold Up Half the Sky ----- Hosts: Sally Booth, Maria Oshodi, Julia Schauerman, Greg Scharpen, Bird Alderon, Bo Derelict, Charley Varrick, Cuppa Joe, Eddy Bauer, Sonia Mistry, Chandler Bennett, Dj Hermes, Jesse Luscious, Leftfield Lance, Macks Lounge, Frank Zappa, Meaty Paws, Mr. Baxter, Rubberband Girl, Dave Rasmussen, Marshall Stax, Tiger Lily

Berkeley · California, United States · English

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(510) 642-1111

26 Barrows Hall # 5650Berkeley, CA 94720-5650USA


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