Mellow Mountain Radio - KAZM - AM 780 - Sedona, AZ

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KAZM reaches more listeners in Northern Arizona including 32,000 daily tourists, with a 61% daily average of all listeners KAZM has many locally produced "Talk ... See more lk Shows", covering everything from Sports to Local Restruants, to Triva and Current Events. You'll find your interest will be peaked and you won't want to miss your favorite show! With air-shift personalities Shawn Helton, Bob Livsey, Leigh Head, Freddy Raven, Robinette Tabback, Mike Tabback, J.R. Ricketts, Courtney King, Barry Carollo and Tom Tayback you get a constant dose of local flare, local wit .....local feel. The music is a mix of best hits from the 60's, 70's, 80's & 90's to current chart toppers. Want to make a request? Call KAZM at 282-4154. You can't do that with a station that pipes in it's music from a service in Timbuktu. Want to know what the local weather is going to be like? You can hear it 3 times hourly on KAZM. Want to know what the road conditions are, or if the schools are open during a storm? You can get it on KAZM. ------ Shows: Coast to Coast AM, Costas on the Radio, FOX Sports Radio, Health Talk, NASCAR Live, Fox News, Money Talks (DW), Arts & Entertainment, The Wolfman Jack Show, Houston Health Hour, Rosie On The House, Tech Talk, Around the House, Auto Talk, Chick Chat, Critter Corner, Food for Thought, Health And Safety, Higher Learning, KAZM Business Profile, KAZM Local News, KAZM Music, Law Offices Of Gary Kazargis, News Indepth, Plan For A Green Planet, Safe Money Retirement Show, Sports Talk, The DUO, The Pit Tour, Verde Valley Real Estate ----- Hosts: John Gibson, Tom Sullivan, Alan Clomes, Rosie Romero, Romey Romero, Tom D?auria, J.r. Ricketts, Mike Tabback, Dr. Chris, Sam Tucker, Tom Tayback, Daddy O, Rob Lezcano, Tom Tabback, J.r Ricketts, Verde Valley

Sedona · Arizona, United States · English

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(928) 282-4154

P.O. Box 4259, Sedona, AZ 86340

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