The One - KCMM - FM 99.1 - Belgrade, MT


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All of us at Christian Media Ministries (and by ALL of us it includes the listener, the staff, and the local community) are bonded together ... See more by the commonality of knowing and believing that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We do our best to proclaim the former by the programming and events that we bring to the airwaves and the area. KGVW is a teaching station where we bring excellent programs like Focus on the Family, Family Life Today, New Life Live, and Insight for Living while also providing the live and local touch with community events and news.. Branded as The Source, KGVW announcers bring the latest in National, State, and Local news and events so that the listener can be as informed about our world and our community as possible. KCMM concentrates on music ministry with a contemporary Christian music flair. The One has "Fun in the Morning" plus Total Axxess and these programs along with a host of others have one focus - to direct the listener to The One and Only Jesus Christ. Through music and fun, plus concerts and other special events, the KCMM ministry team provides a vital link uniting the people of Christ and those that are searching for answers. Check us out on your radio dial! KGVW AM640 The Source and KCMM FM99.1 The One.

Belgrade · Montana, United States · English

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(406) 388-4281

2050 Amsterdam RdBelgrade, MT 59718USA

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