KDUZ AM 1260 - KDUZ - AM 1260 - Hutchinson, MN

Local News, Multimedia, Sports - The Local Connection

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KDUZ AM 1260 - KDUZ is a broadcast radio station from Hutchinson, MN, United States, providing News, Sports, Talk and Information. ------ Shows: Moneytalk, The ... See more Jim Bohannon Show, The Bruce Williams Show, The Lutheran Hour, ABC News, Financial Report, Local News, Cyber Line, Golden Age of Radio, Livestock Report, Point of View, The Best of Bruce Williams, Metro Traffic Report, Successful Farming Radio Magazine, Daybreak USA, Catholic Radio Weekly, In-Fisherman Radio, Smart Money, First Congregational Church, Cruise Control Radio, AgriTalk, Posted County Prices, MFN Farm News, MFN Market Summary, MNN News, Pros Pointers Radio, Hispanic Christian Programming, Best of Point of View, Meditations, ABC News Journal, Area Sports Round Up, Chamber Chatter, Classic Radio Hour, Community Affairs, Community Calendar KDUZ, Doane's Bottomline Report, Faith Lutheran Church, Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Horse Sense, Investment Alternatives, KDUZ Auction Calendar, KDUZ Funeral Announcements, KDUZ Local News, KDUZ Local Sports, KDUZ News Update, KDUZ Postings, KDUZ Regional Weather Report, KDUZ Swap Shop, Legal Update, Local Ag News KDUZ, MFN, MFN Ag Weather, MFN Closing Markets, MFN Farm Market Report, MFN Market Update, MFN Morning Markets, MFN-Opening Markets, Midday Farm News, MNN Sports, MNN This Week In Politics, NewsWrap USA, On The Farm, Polka Music Show, Polka Parade, Polka-bration Show, Regional Report, St. Johns Lutheran Church, Stock Market Report, The Weather Eye, Tu-Companero Catolico ----- Hosts: Michael Barr, Doug Limerick, Cheri Preston, Lou Dobbs, Michael Schaus, Mick Williams, Bob Byron, Kris Fincher, Max Schmid, Don Imus, Darrell Anderson, Johnny Holliday, Carol Lehan, Gerri Pare, Tom Siekas, Janine Wilson, Denny Mahoney, Jamie Bobb, Les Jackson, Fred Staab, Mike Adams, John Herath, Mike Perrine, Wade Bourne, Jim Sumpter, Heinz R. Fruck, Darrell Gander, Albert S. Tedesco, Craig Ebel, Jim Taylor, John Hoscheidt, Terry Tracy, Dennis Prager, Al Windsperger, Corey Fink

Hutchinson · Minnesota, United States · English

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20132 Hwy 15 NorthPO Box 366Hutchinson, MN 55350


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