Newstalk 1320 - KELO - AM 1320 - Sioux Falls, SD

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Newstalk 1320 - KELO is a broadcast radio station in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States, providing News and Talk shows. ------ Shows: Coast to ... See more Coast AM, First Light, Laura Ingraham Show, The Kim Komando Show, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Sean Hannity Show, Coast to Coast AM, The Mike Gallagher Show, At Home, Talk Radio Countdown Show, The Best Of Tammy Bruce, Saturday Night America, First Baptist Church, Best of Michael Medved, The Best of Mike Gallagher, Beyond the Beltway, Trinity United Methodist Church, Under The Hood, At Your Service, Catholic Views, Forum, Greg Belfrage, KELO Paid Programming, KELO Radio Theatre, Medical Line ----- Hosts: Michael Gallagher, Gary Sullivan, Michael Medved, Jack Taylor, Greg Belfrage, Kurt Boney

Sioux Falls · South Dakota, United States · English

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500 S Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

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