KFJC 89.7 FM - KFJC - FM 89.7 - Los Altos, CA

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FM 89.7 - 128Kbps

KFJC's mission in life, as much as we can agree on such a thing, is to be a conduit for new and interesting audio art ... See more and information, especially the sorts that are unavailable elsewhere. Our music programming is largely oriented to recent material. Most programs must play at least 35% (by song count) tracks from material added in the last 8 weeks. We strive to carry the best of many styles of music and relevant public affairs programming. Licensed to the Trustees of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District and operated as a teaching laboratory for the Fine Arts and Communications Department of Foothill College, KFJC welcomes everyone to register in a broadcasting class and begin to help with station operation. Those seeking a weekly music program must contribute 8 hours of station work per week and attend weekly station meetings. An Associate degree in broadcasting is available. Contact Robert "Doc" Pelzel at 650 949 7555. Day-to-day operations is overseen by the stations General Manager who is elected to the post annually. The General Manager oversees a total of eleven departments which are: Engineering Music Production Programming Promotions Public Affairs Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Publicity Traffic Training Treasury Most of these departments have a managing staff member. Managers are elected through submission of a proposal and is voted to the post by the other department managers. Our offices are on the beautiful Foothill College campus. We now have three somewhat modern studios, a pretty impressive music collection, and facilities to broadcast and record bands in our building (infamously known as "the Pit"). Our transmitter is located on Black Mountain, in the Montebello Open Space Preserve, south of Los Altos. We use a QEI 675 500 watt transmitter and Micro Controls PTS-10C studio-transmitter link. We also have some very nice TFT brand remote-pickup gear which we use to do shows from around the bay and sometimes as far away as Berkeley and Aptos (whew!). Latest additions to our arsenal include Telos Zephyr ISDN codec boxes to allow remote broadcasts from anywhere in the world (with ISDN lines, that is!) We're funded mostly by listener contributions, with some support from local business. If you'd like to contribute as an individual, please call 650 949 7348. Also call if you'd like to be a sponsoring business - you can get a lot of on-air acknowledgment for comparatively little money. ------ Shows: Open Shift, Rowan Hawthorne, Apartment Life, Beyond Room 222, Cinderaura, Dancin' in the Fast Lane, Dave Emory Show, Erratic Behavior, Firebunker, From The Vault, Garden of Morm, Girl Version, Grave Shift, Groove Therapy, Groundswell, It Has A Beat..., Jah's Music, Jazz Collectiv, Justin Outlier, Lubbock or Leave It, Natasha, No Way Out, Pax Humana, Peaksville Asylum, Psychedelic Punks Rotisserie, Ripped From The Womb, Ritual of Ra, Skull Time for Kids, Space Is The Place, Sports Middle, Stream of Consciousness, Sunday Morning Coming Down, Temporary Village, The No Eyed Bird, The Normal Bates Memorial Soundtrack Show, The Record Round-Up, The Suicide Watch, The Wild Kingdom, Thoughtline, Too Cool for School, Uncle Al, What is Grawer?, When it's Blues its alllllll Good! ----- Hosts: Eric Johnson, Doc Pelzel, Liz Clark, Pete Dixon Dixon, Dave Emory, Cy Thoth, Morris Minor, Spliff Skankin, Joe Ed Dick, Pax Humana, Anthony Fremont, Leticia Domingo, Cousin Mary, Neil Grovel, Bill Moore, Carl Rohling, Thomas Hutchings, Sal 9000, Kevin O'dante, Gus Lignos, Jim Philips, Russ Rollins, Dirty Jim, Roy Ross, Jonathan Hall, Oscar Hox, Ophelia Necro, Sally Goodin

Los Altos · California, United States · English

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12345 S. El Monte Road Los Altos Hills, California 94022


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