KFOR FM 101.5 AM 1240 - KFOR - AM 1240 - Lincoln, NE

Lincoln's News, Weather, and Information Station

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KFOR - KFOR is a broadcast station from Lincoln, Nebraska, United States, playing News, Talk. Thank you for listening to KFOR - News, Weather, Sports, ... See more Traffic - 1240 AM. Enjoy St. Paul United Methodist Church Service, Coast to Coast AM, or broadcasts including ABC Perspective, and many more. ------ Shows: Coast to Coast AM, Coast to Coast AM, The Dave Ramsey Show, The Jim Bohannon Show, The Money Pit, Peter Greenberg Worldwide, Twilight Zone, The KFOR Morning Show, American Gold, Rock & Roll's Greatest Hits, The Lou Dobbs Show, St. Paul United Methodist Church Service, This Week, Imagination Theater, ABC Perspective, Compute This, Devotions in Song, First Plymouth Church Service, First Presbyterian Sunday Service, Good Shepherd Sunday Service, Health to the Max, In The Garden, Investing with a Plan, KFOR Trading Post, Lincoln Live, Lincoln's News Hour, Mark Taylor, Old Time Gospel, Problems & Solutions, Start Packin', The KFOR Afternoon Show, The KFOR Saturday Morning Show, The KFOR Sunday Morning Show, The World Traveler, Your Pet's Health ----- Hosts: Dave Ramsey, Peter Greenberg, Stacy Keach, Cathy Blythe, Mark Taylor, Dale Johnson, Doug Levine, Dick Bartley, Lou Dobbs, Reverend Coleman, Bella Dツcor, Michael Berry, Scott Crowder, John Labus

Lincoln · Nebraska, United States · English

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3800 Cornhusker Hwy Lincoln, NE 68504


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