99.1 FM Talk - KKFT - FM 99.1 - Gardnerville, NV

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99.1 FM Talk - KKFT is a broadcast Radio station from Gardnerville, Nevada, United States, providing News/Talk, Informative and Live programs. ------ Shows: Glenn Beck ... See more Weekend Edition, Laura Ingraham Show, The Dennis Miller Show, The Savage Nation, The Glenn Beck Program, Handel On The Law, John Gibson, Morning in America, The Mike Gallagher Show, The Weekend, Best Of Dave Ramsey, Best of Michael Medved, The Best of Mike Gallagher, Gun Talk, Dr. Laura Schlessinger Show, The Fred Thompson Show, The Lars Larson Show, The Tom Sullivan Show, The Jesus Christ Show, Phil Hendrie Show, Best of Hugh Hewitt, Bad Money Good Money Show, SCI Radio with Jerry Evans ----- Hosts: John Gibson, The Bill Bennett, Michael Gallagher, Dave Ramsey, Katiel Fitch, Kellyann Moran, Michael Medved, Tom Gresham, Lars Larson, Tom Sullivan, Brian Kilmeade, Neil Saavedra, Miranda Moreno, Tony Sorrentino

Gardnerville · Nevada, United States · English

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