1450 AM - KWBW - AM 1450 - Hutchinson, KS

The "talk" of the town

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Tune in to Salvation Army, 1st United Methodist Church, or shows including Faith Baptist Church, in addition to others. ------ Shows: First Light, The Rush ... See more Limbaugh Show, The Bruce Williams Show, Michael Medved Show, Dr. Joy Browne Show, Pet Show, Shopping Smart, The Dolans, On the House, The Lutheran Hour, Focus On The Family Weekend, Dr. Dean Edell Medical Show, Dr. Laura Schlessinger Show, Faith Baptist Church, Beyond the Beltway, Salvation Army, Sports Fans Radio Network, Passages, 1st United Methodist Church, American On The Road, Calvary Hour, Contemporary Christian Issues, Financial Advice, Financial Assistance, Fitness Advice, Gardening Show, Gettin Up Gospel, KWBW Local News, Weather, KWBW Morning Show, KWBW Party Line, Phone Forum, Soul Music, Take Your Health to Heart, The Motor Man, The Protestant Hour, Water & Woods Show ----- Hosts: Dr. Joy Browne, Warren Eckstein, Dean Edell, Rush Limbaugh, Dr Laura, Dr. Joy Browne, Dr. Dean Edell, Gary Bornholdt

Hutchinson · Kansas, United States · English

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(620) 662-4486

825 North MainHutchinson, KS 67501USA


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