News/Talk 930 - KWOC - AM 930 - Poplar Bluff, MO

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Listen to The Rush Limbaugh Show, AM Poplar Bluff, and programs like KWOC Afternoon Edition, in addition to others. ------ Shows: First Light, The Rush ... See more ush Limbaugh Show, The Jim Bohannon Show, The Bruce Williams Show, Dr. Dean Edell Medical Show, Neal Boortz Show, Dr. Laura Schlessinger Show, AM Poplar Bluff, KWOC Afternoon Edition, KWOC Mid Day Edition, KWOC Morning Edition, KWOC Radio Classifieds, Mike Siegel, Talk of Southeast Missouri ----- Hosts: Dean Edell, Rush Limbaugh, Jim Bohannon, Bruce Williams, Mike Siegel

Poplar Bluff · Missouri, United States · English

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